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The usage of kifurushi is pretty straightforward. Forge a protocol consists in many cases in just assembling its fields. Here is an example:

import enum
from kifurushi import Packet, ShortField, ByteField, IntEnumField

class Mood(enum.Enum):
    happy = 1
    cool = 2
    angry = 4

class Disney(Packet):
    __fields__ = [
        ShortField('mickey', 2),
        ByteField('minnie', 3, hex=True),
        IntEnumField('donald', 1, Mood)

You create a new protocol by inheriting the Packet class. In this example, we have 3 fields:

  • A two-bytes integer field called mickey whose default value is 2.
  • A one byte integer field called minnie whose default value is 3. You will notice the hex keyword set to true. It is to tell that we prefer the hexadecimal representation when displaying this field information. We will see above an example.
  • The last field is a four-byte field. It is slightly different from the first two (notice the Enum in the class name) . It takes a third mandatory argument which is an enum, or a dict mapping values to a literal representation easier to remember for the user.

The list of all fields can be found here.

Now let's see an example usage of this protocol.

>>> d = Disney(mickey=1)
mickey: ShortField = 1(2)
minnie: ByteField = 0x3(0x3)
donald: IntEnumField = 1(1)
>>> d.donald =
# this has the same effect as the previous line
>>> d.donald = 'cool'
# this also as the same effect as the two previous lines
>>> d.donald =  # int value 2
>>> d.raw
>>> Disney.from_bytes(_)
<Disney: mickey = 1, minnie = 0x3, donald = 2>


  • The first statement instantiates a Disney object with value mickey attribute set to 1.

  • The second statement uses the show method to print a detailed state of the object. Each line represents an attribute with its name, its type, its current value and its default value between the parenthesis. Notice that minnie values are represented in hexadecimal thanks to the hex attribute set to True on field object.

  • The next three statements set the donald attribute with value 2. As you can see, we can use the enumeration, its name or its value. kifurushi knows how to handle these cases.

  • The penultimate statement is the raw property which computes the raw bytes from the protocol fields. This is useful when you want to send data over the network.

  • The last statement shows how you can convert data received over the network to a protocol instance.

You can also dynamically implement a protocol using the create_packet_class helper function.

from kifurushi import create_packet_class, ShortField, ByteField, IntField

fields = [
  ShortField('mickey', 2),
  ByteField('minnie', 3, hex=True),
  IntField('donald', 1)

disney_class = create_packet_class('Disney', fields)
d = disney_class(mickey=1)
print(d)  # <Disney: mickey=1, minnie=0x3, donald=1>

Implement a custom field

Sometimes, you will feel that the default fields implemented by kifurushi are not enough for your use case. In this case you will need to implement a custom type by inheriting the Field class. Let's see an example with a field representing an IP value. Many protocols like ICMP or DNS needs this type of field. I will use attrs to define the field class, but it is not an obligation, you can the classic style to implement your class.

import ipaddress
import random
from typing import Union

import attr
from kifurushi import Field, Packet

def check_ip_address(_, _param, address: str) -> None:
    except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
        raise ValueError(f'{address} is not a valid ip address')

@attr.s(slots=True, repr=False)
class IPField(Field):
    # it is important to define the name attribute
    _name: str = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
    _default: str = attr.ib(validator=check_ip_address)
    _address: Union[ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address] = attr.ib(init=False)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        # the internal value of the fields defaults to the default attribute
        self._address = ipaddress.ip_address(self._default)

    def name(self) -> str:
        # the name of the field
        return self._name

    def size(self) -> int:
        # the size is in number of bytes
        return 4 if self._address.version == 4 else 16

    def default(self) -> str:
        return self._default

    def value(self) -> str:
        # returns the internal value of the field
        return f'{self._address}'

    def value(self, value: str) -> None:
        # sets the internal value of the field
        self._address = ipaddress.ip_address(value)

    def struct_format(self) -> str:
        # not really useful here, but the idea is to use this value in combination with `struct.pack`
        # or `struct.unpack` method to serialize or deserialize the field
        return '!I' if self._address.version == 4 else '!IIII'

    def raw(self, packet: Packet = None) -> bytes:
        # returns the bytes corresponding to this field
        return self._address.packed

    def random_value(self) -> str:
        # A random value for this field. This is useful when the `Packet.rand_packet` class method is used
        # to create a packet with random values.
        if self._address.version == 4:
            return f'{random.randint(1, 192)}.{random.randint(1, 168)}.0.1'
            return f'fe80::{random.randint(1, 8)}'

    def compute_value(self, data: bytes, packet: Packet = None) -> bytes:
        # data represent the remaining bytes to parse by the packet instance passed as second argument
        # packet can be useful in some circumstances where field value depends on previous fields already parsed

        # if we don't have enough data to process, we stop there and return an empty byte so that following
        # fields (if any) will not be processed too
        if len(data) < self.size:
            return b''

        self._address = ipaddress.ip_address(data[:self.size])

        # this is important to know if the field has been parsed correctly
        self._value_was_computed = True

        # it is also important to return the remaining bytes after those representing this field so that other fields
        # can also process their value
        return data[self.size:]

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: default={self._default}, value={self._address}>'


  • The Field class defines an interface with common methods that all fields must implement and this is what is done in the previous example.

  • The name attribute is important to define. It is used by the packet where the field will belong to set an attribute using the value of the name attribute. The reason why this attribute is not in the Field interface is the BitsField and its descendants. We will talk about this field later in the documentation.

  • The code should be simple to understand, just about the compute_field method, this is what is called for every field of a packet when the Packet.from_bytes method is used. The first argument is the remaining bytes to parse from input data, and the second argument is the packet currently processing the data. This second argument is useful when the value of the current field depends on fields already parsed. We can then retrieve them via the packet object. For the rest, the comments should help you understand what is happening.

Implement a variable field

There are cases where field values can only be determined by other fields giving the length or some other information to compute the value of the desired field. The abstract VariableStringField aims to solve this kind of issue. Let's imagine we have a protocol Dummy with three fields: version, length and data. The latter depends on the second to get its value. This is how we can implement data field.

from kifurushi import Packet, VariableStringField, ByteField, ShortField

class DataField(VariableStringField):
    def compute_value(self, data: bytes, packet: Packet = None) -> bytes:
        # if we don't have enough data to process the field, we stop here
        if len(data) < packet.length:
            return b''

        self._value = data[:packet.length].decode()
        # important to know that the field has been parsed
        self._value_was_computed = True
        return data[packet.length:]

class Dummy(Packet):
    __fields__ = [
        ByteField('version', 1),
        ShortField('length', 28),
        DataField('data', decode=True)


  • The only abstract method to implement is compute_value. It takes the remaining raw bytes to parse and the packet object currently constructed. Fields already parsed can be accessed as properties of the packet object. In our case we use the length field to know the exact length of data. We can therefore extract the value and return the remaining bytes. This is important because it will allow the packet to process other fields if any.
  • VariableStringField has a parameter decode which helps it to know the nature of the data we are manipulating. It will then perform some checks when setting the value, getting a random value, etc... This parameter defaults to False meaning that the internal value is considered to be bytes. Since we set decode to True in the previous example, we had to call the decode method when computing the value from raw data to have an internal value which is a string.

Customize a packet class

Sometimes the default implementation of the Packet class is not sufficient for your needs, it comes in handy to adjust some methods as you wish. Packet is a python class, so you can inherit it and override the methods you want, lets show an example by representing the IPV4 protocol. It will also be the occasion to show the use of a BitsField.

We will not take in account options field to keep it simple.

from kifurushi import (
    Packet, ByteBitsField, ByteField, FieldPart, ShortField, IntField, ShortBitsField,

class IPv4(Packet):
    __fields__ = [
        ByteBitsField([FieldPart('version', 4, 4), FieldPart('ihl', 5, 4)]),
        ByteBitsField([FieldPart('dscp', 0, 6), FieldPart('ecn', 0, 2)]),
        ShortField('length', 0),
        ShortField('identification', 0),
        ShortBitsField([FieldPart('flags', 0, 3), FieldPart('offset', 0, 13)]),
        ByteField('ttl', 12),
        ByteField('protocol', 1),
        ShortField('checksum', 0),
        # you can replace with the IPField created in the previous section
        # the following line will result to IPField('src', '')
        IntField('src', 2130706433),
        IntField('dest', 2130706433)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # if we don't write the following line, we will have an issue when trying to instantiate self.payload
        self._field_mapping = []
        self.payload = b''
        # here we take in account another keyword attribute in addition to those defined in fields.
        # It represents the upper layers transported by the IP packet, check the raw method to see
        # why we need it.
        payload = kwargs.pop('payload', None)
        if payload is not None:
            self.payload = payload

    def raw(self) -> bytes:
        # the default checksum value is 0 meaning that it is not computed. The value depends on other
        # fields and the payload carried by the IPv4 protocol. For more information you can have a
        # look here:
        # kifurushi provides a helper function "checksum" to calculate checksum for various fields.
        if not self.checksum:
            data = b''.join(field.raw(self) for field in self._fields) + self.payload
            self.checksum = checksum(data)
        return b''.join(field.raw(self) for field in self._fields) + self.payload

ip = IPv4(dscp=1, length=20)
# <IPv4: version=4, ihl=5, dscp=1, ecn=0, length=20, identification=0, flags=0, offset=0,
# ttl=12, protocol=1, checksum=0, src=2130706433, dest=2130706433>


  • Here we have some usages of BitsField more specifically ByteBitsField and ShortBitsField. These fields represent different information that cannot be contained in multiples of bytes but rather part of a byte (or several bytes). It is the case for the first two information of an IPv4 packet, version and ihl, both hold in 4 bits. This is where BitsField class and its descendants come in handy. For the first two, they hold in a byte, this is why we use a ByteBitsField. For flags and offset information, they hold in 2 bytes, so we use the ShortBitsField.

  • These BitsField are composed of FieldPart objects taken a name representing an information, a default value and the size in bits the information takes. Notice that it is the field name which is used as an attribute for the IPv4 packet as shown in the previous example with dscp.

  • We update slightly the default Packet.__init__ method to take in account the payload information. It represents the upper data carried by the IPv4 packet. It may be ICMP or a combination UDP + DNS. This additional data will be used to compute the checksum field which depends on the current IPv4 fields and the payload.

  • The Packet.raw method is overloaded to compute the checksum field if it is not already computed before returning raw bytes to send on the wire.


Take care to the names given to the fields of a packet. There are some reserved names that cannot be used because they are attributes of the Packet class like raw, fields, compute_value, hexdump, random_packet and from_bytes. Check the api documentation for the accurate list of Packet attributes and methods.


Don't hesitate to look at the examples folder to see more examples of protocol implementations with kifurushi. You will see usage of the ConditionalField which comes in handy when the presence of a field in a packet depends on other fields.

Parsing data from the network

We often have to receive data from socket apis. However, those receive apis don't guarantee to have all the data we want to parse a protocol in one go. If we receive less than what we expected, we need a way to know from the packet that we did not parse every field. This is where the property all_fields_are_computed comes in. It allows us to know if all fields were parsed or not. We will consider the following Dummy packet for our example.

from kifurushi import Packet, ShortField, ConditionalField

class Dummy(Packet):
    __fields__ = [
        ShortField('a', 2),
        # b will exist if a value is less than 100
        ConditionalField(ShortField('b', 2), lambda p: p.a < 100),
        ShortField('d', 1)


The packet property all_fields_are_computed is only relevant when you call class method from_bytes to construct the packet from bytes coming from other sources like the network.

If we get from the network only the a field, this field will have the property value_was_computed set to True and for the other fields it will be False. If you look closely at the definition of compute_value method on the previous classes implemented above, you will notice that we set an attribute _value_was_computed when we parsed the field, this is why it is important!

# just imagine a hypothetical library to parse network data, it can be the standard
# socket library or an asynchronous one like trio / anyio
data = socket.recv()  # we assume here that received data is b'\x00\x04'
packet = Dummy.from_bytes(data)
print(packet.all_fields_are_computed)  # False

# the first field is "a"
print(packet.fields[0].value_was_computed)  # True
print(packet.a)  # 4

for field in packet.fields[1:]:
    print(field.value_was_computed)  # False

So if we want to read all the data necessary to get the packet information, we can write a loop like the following:

buffer = bytearray()
buffer += socket.recv()
packet = Dummy.from_bytes(buffer)

while not packet.all_fields_are_computed:
    buffer += socket.recv()
    packet = Dummy.from_bytes(buffer)

# we can remove what we read from buffer to reuse it if necessary
to_remove = len(buffer) - len(packet.raw)
del buffer[:to_remove]


Network helpers

Kifurushi provides some helper functions like hexdump to print wireshark-like hexadecimal representation of a packet which may be useful for debugging purposes.

from kifurushi import create_packet_class, ShortField, ByteField, IntField, hexdump

fields = [
  ShortField('mickey', 2),
  ByteField('minnie', 3, hex=True),
  IntField('donald', 1)

disney_class = create_packet_class('Disney', fields)
d = disney_class(mickey=1)
print(hexdump(d.raw))  # '0000  00 01 03 00 00 00 01                             .......'

# a Packet object has a property hexdump which internally calls the hexdump function
print(d.hexdump)  # '0000  00 01 03 00 00 00 01                             .......'

There is also the checksum function to compute some packet checksums. Look the previous section for an example with the IPv4 protocol.

Finally, there is the extract_layers function to help you dissect many protocols from raw data. For example, let's consider again the IPv4 protocol we implemented earlier. If you combined it with an ICMP protocol (we assume we have also implemented this protocol), you will probably end with a code like the following to send it over the wire: socket.sendto(ICMP(type=8).raw + IPv4().raw, address).

Now if you want to receive the ICMP response from the wire, what will you do? ICMP.from_bytes(data) ? This will not work because you send ICMP + IPv4 data over the wire, and you will receive also the two data structures from the wire. So to get these layers, you can write a code like the following

from kifurushi import extract_layers
data, _ = socket.recvfrom(4096)

icmp, ip = extract_layers(data, ICMP, IPv4)

So, you pass to extract_layers the data and the list of layers (order is important) you expect to receive from the network. In response, you will get layer instances corresponding to the different classes passed to the function.

random helpers

Kifurushi carries also some constants and random helpers useful when you want to implement custom fields.

from kifurushi import LEFT_BYTE, RIGHT_BYTE, rand_bytes

assert LEFT_BYTE < rand_bytes() < RIGHT_BYTE  # this will never raises an error